Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Foundational Library for Biopolitical Science

As an addendum to my last post, I can recommend three recent collections of scientific papers by a large number of scholars that will provide anyone with a solid foundation for reading and exploring biopolitical science. 
First and most important, The Princeton Guide to Evolution, ed. by Jonathan B. Lobos.  This is easily the best general guides to an academic subject that I have ever seen.  It is extraordinarily broad and at the same time thorough in each of its chapters.  It is generally accessible to non-specialists, though it may require some attentive reading. 
Second, Chimpanzees and Human Evolution, edited by Muller, Wrangham, and Pilbeam.  If you want to enjoy the benefits of the books I mentioned in my last post, just look up the author’s contributions to this one.  Both volumes were published as recently as 2017. 
Third, The Evolution of Primate Societies, edited by… everyone.  It’s the most dated of the volumes, being published as far back as 2012.  If you want to know what is natural in human social behavior, the best way is to consider our nearest relatives.  To read this book is to swim in that sea of questions. 
Finally, I would be remiss not to recommend one of the first general guides to biopolitical science: Handbook of Biology and Politics, ed. by Steven A. Peterson and Albert Sommit.  If biology and politics overlap anywhere in the realm of thought, this book will have a chapter on it.  I would also be remiss not to point out that the author of Chapter 13, “Political Ethics and Biology,” is very wise. 

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